... a flower for my love out there ... SoftURL.com 
_Main Stage_
A place where dreams are build of pixels and chars.
Freedom of thoughts guaranteed. Floating pixels and texts allowed. Phantasy becoming reality.
_Dream Zone_
Some people say dreaming is a waste of time but we know better. There are many dreams that are worth being dreamed. Just let your thoughts fly around freely, walking in circles, jumping, sometimes crawling. There is nothing wrong about that. Dreaming frees our mind, makes us feel better.
So, just dream.
_Love and Kisses_
Did you tell your family today morning that you love them? When did you buy a rose for your girlfriend last? What was the last day that you have cooked your boyfriend's favourite meal?
Do it today because today is a special day. You love and are loved. So, support that great thing called 'love'.
_Mono Logue_
Who created this crazy site?
And your name...
... is Nils Althof
Did you create the layout yourself
Yes, I did.
So, you own the © on both content and layout?
That is right.
Do you mind getting feedback or being asked about this page?
Of course, no.
Can I send you an electronic mail a.k.a. email?
Feel free to do so: feedback (at) softurl (dot) com
_Autumn's Beauty_
For all those people unable to spend their time outside, I have taken this photo to let them join the beauty of autumn's green in the woods.
Can you hear the leaves rustling under your shoes? Do you feel the last summer sun warming your face?
Take a deep breathe and taste the smell of fresh air in the woods. Look around you and see the wonderful colours and the overwhelming beauty of nature.
_Snow Course_
The world, covered with white snow, quiet and peaceful.
Snowflakes touching your face, cold and gentle. Children fighting snowball fights, people walking across snow-covered paths creating two lines of footprints. Time does not matter. What a great experience.
_Grain Field_
Grain feeds the people.
Nature is quite a miracle. There is nothing more to say about that. Except one thing: please take care of Mother Earth!
_Bulletin Board_
News in short about this site, chronologically.
Apr 30, 2018
Content is currently locked on this page, but still alive. We'll see what will happen next.
Jan 30, 2006
Newest entries now first, hope that will help to fix bad update frequency here.
Aug 5, 2005
No update here for more than a complete year? Am I crazy? New things will come, promised!
Jul 18, 2004
Weather is really bad (where's the summer?) so I did some small reworks on the site.
Feb 2, 2004
Forgot to add Autumn's Beauty. Sorry. Done now. Added the Snow Course and some Ruhrgebiet stuff, too.
Oct 26, 2003
Unbelievable, there was an error in the style sheet. Hope nobody saw it. Fixed now.
Aug 13, 2003
Weather is cooling down, me, too. If you wanna play try the brand new game on this site.
Aug 10, 2003
I spent a sleepless, warm night on reworking this site. Hope, you like it.
_My Websites_
Made by me :-)
_Supported Websites_
Technically supported but not responsible for content.
more to come
work in progress...
_Wanna Play_
Do you like games? Sure, you like them. So try this one by clicking on this image.
Wanna play?
You need JavaScript enabled in your browser to play.
_route industriekultur_  
Auf den Autobahnen im Revier weisen zahlreiche solcher Schilder auf einzelnen Stationen der route industriekultur hin.
_on your mobile_
{ 1 } Click on the image to download and save to disk.
{ 2 } Put it on your mobile phone.
{ 3 } Enjoy.
_Ruhr Pott_  
Ruhr|pott, der; -[e]s; auch: Ruhr|ge|biet, das; -[e]s;
Industriezentrum in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Deutschland) im Bereich zwischen Duisburg, Köln, Lüdenscheid und Hamm. Vormals geprägt durch Steinkohle-Bergbau und Stahl-Industrie, heute vorwiegend Dienstleistungsindustrie, Biotechnologie, Neue Medien, Rundfunk und Fernsehen, Sport, Kultur.
_it's valid_
I nearly went crazy, but now the page validates both XHTML 1.0 and CSS...
Valid XHTML 1.0!  Valid CSS!